There aren’t more adorable views than a baby and a sleeping cat. Even the “devil” of a cat seems like an angel in a sleeping position.
You may or might not know that a cat’s sleeping position affects its mood and health.
If as a cat owner, you are wondering if your cat is dreaming, if it may be cold and has curled up to warm itself you will have to either guess or know your cat more to draw a conclusion and get action or enjoy seeing the bundle of joy in the cat basket.

Common Cat Sleeping Positions
Cats sleep everywhere around the house. You may have left the drawer opened and your cat found it a perfect place for a nap, or it may sleep on the top of your fridge. A cardboard box is also a great comfy place for your dog to sleep. It is really hard to say where your cat will cuddle up.
The variety of places that your cat will use as a sleeping place is much more creative than you can ever imagine. These odd places will make you give a second thought and the truth is that the sleeping position of your cat does reveal some facts about it.
Let’s analyze around 13 different sleeping positions of cats and see if you agree with what has been learned so far.
1. All Curled Up in a Furry Ball
This pose is also known as a crescent position and is the most common sleeping position. This pose enables the cat to maximize the warmth of its body. This sleeping position protects the vital organs of your cat.
It is very common for wild cats and symbolizes the way the animal’s instinct for protection is activated. In this particular position the cat’s back is curled as to resemble a crescent and that’s why we call it that name.
At times when your cat may feel insecure you can notice this sleeping position.
The so-called donut-shaped cat bed is perfect for a position like this.
2. Sleeping in a cardboard paper box
The same as kids who like to play with a cardboard paper box, the cat likes to sleep in it. Your kitty is safe from the enemies and other elements that frighten it and it is assumed to be another sleeping spot that reminds us of their wild predecessors.
Cats that sleep in a box or enclosed areas wishing to stay hidden from predators show that they are hiding from something or someone in the house where they live. Maybe a new pet, or a person who is trying to pet it and pay with it when the cat does not want.
3. Belly-Up
This position that cat owners call a “belly trap” because it is impossible to resist the need to pet their belly. In this position, your cat enjoys calmness and has a little shut-eye. Anyhow this sleeping position is a good sign that shows a good relationship that it has with the family members and trusts you all.
4. Loaf of Bread
The loaf position where your cat sits with its front legs tucked under its body is identical to seeing a loaf of bread. The eyes of the cat are closed as a sign of relaxation. In this position, your cat is not in a deep sleep, but it is enjoying a short cat nap being on an alert. The loaf position is known as a very relaxing cat sleeping pose and lets your cat get some rest and take care of the surroundings at the same time.
5. Eyes Half Shut
If you notice that your cat is snoozing with its eyes half shut or half open, as you wish, be sure that it wants to rest, but at the same time will get up if there is a thing the cat does not want to miss especially if a treat may come to it.
If on the other hand, you notice that your cat is overlord in this position be sure that it indicates that the cat is watching for something inside the house. It might be some unfamiliar people or a recent change that the cat observes.
6. Contortionist
A very weird sleeping position because the legs of the cat are all spread out in all directions and the body is usually hanging off the couch with a twisted head. To be honest this does not look like a comfortable position.
7. Sideways
This is a very common sleeping position for cats and it is similar to the belly-up pose. It is also a vulnerable sleeping position. Many cat owners think that the cat in this position is in a deep sleep, but no, it is an ordinary catnap position. It shows that your cat feels extremely relaxed and comfortable with all the members of the family around.
8. Paws across the face
This position is a “Do not disturb” sign sent to you. In this position, your cat may fall into a very deep sleep. Their paws are put over their faces unconsciously in a way to protect themselves as an instinct of protection. It is good to know that if by any chance you wake up your cat while sleeping in this position, it will not be in a good mood.
9. Sitting up
Cats usually nap in this position when their tail is wrapped around the paws. This catnap or sleep lasts for 15-20 minutes. This position shows that your cat is in an alert position. It will be ready to wake up as something interesting happens around.
10. On top of you
The position is not comfortable for you, but it indicates how much love your cat has for you. It wants to be close to you and wants to be your guardian sleeping on top of you.
No need to mention how smart the cats are, so knowing that you will move your arms and legs it has chosen your chest or sometimes your back to sleep on. Although you are not feeling comfortable in this position the sign of trust you get from your feline companion will be precious.
11. Superman
According to many, this is the best sleeping position that your cat may present. The cat lies on its belly with its legs stretched out to look like a flying Superman.
Only an extremely relaxed cat can take this sleeping position. This pose is the best sign that your cat is in a deep sleep.
12. Tucked in
Cats love to cuddle up in blankets, in beds or on couches and sometimes in drawers. This sleeping position maximizes their body warmth. They feel protected sleeping like this. Cats seek safety by instinct especially if they are more vulnerable than usual.
13. In a kitty pile
The same as puppies, kitties also like to sleep with their siblings or with their mother. Being warm and safe. The perfect combination for a cat. Cats feel much safer when they sleep with another cat. The sleeping positions of cats are much more relaxed when they are surrounded by other cats.
So, if your cats sleep together, it is a positive sign for the relationship they have with each other. It is a sign of trust that your cat has with all the members of your family.
Cats do have strange sleeping habits and they appear to be more active during the dawn and at night, but they still want a good tight night’s sleep. As you see the sleeping position has to tell a lot about your cat and its feelings.