This crunchy green vegetable is safe for cats. You can always add a little bit of broccoli to their food or you can use it as an occasional treat. As with any other food, not typical for cats, you will have to be careful with the amount of broccoli you give your cat.
I doubt that you would like to give your cat broccoli often and that there is a chance for the cat to come and sniff around your plate full with this vegetable although your feline pet can safely eat broccoli. They are not put on the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ toxic plant list.

Cats and Broccoli- Any Feline Health Benefits?
Broccoli as a plant can help ward off free radicals in the body and thus, they are assumed antioxidants. Broccoli is also assumed to be a good prevention for several severe diseases.
According to a research study from 1997 made by Johns Hopkins University in the USA, broccoli sprouts offer 10 to 100 times the number of antioxidants in disease prevention than the head of the plant. This means that it is better to give broccoli sprouts to your cat.
Cats and Broccoli – Any Precautions?
Your cat may eat broccoli occasionally, but you should still be cautious when you give it to the cat for the first time. This goes for any human food you decide to give your cat. Give just a bit of broccoli at the beginning and if there is no allergic reaction you can continue serving it to your cat without any fear.
Although, from a cat’s perspective there are no toxic elements in broccoli there is still no guarantee that your cat will digest it well. The reaction of your cat’s stomach is very important. Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable and it produces excessive gas not only in cats but also in humans.
Your cat may have some problems processing some chemical compounds in broccoli and if you give it too much broccoli it may suffer from stomach upset. If given for the first time, then your cat will react to a new food to which it is not used.
Observing your cat after giving it new food is a part of the procedure. If you notice vomiting, diarrhea, or weakness you must immediately contact the vet.
If you are giving broccoli to your cat and it is from your portion you have to be sure that there isn’t any salt, oil, or butter coating on the broccoli. If onions and garlic were added to the broccoli then you are not supposed to give it to your cat.
Is Broccoli good for cats?
Broccoli does give health benefits to cats. Although carnivores in nature they shouldn’t eat fruits and vegetables every day. On one hand, many vegetables are toxic to cats, on the other hand, those human foods that are not toxic to cats can have health benefits for them, as broccoli does.
The nutritional value of broccoli is the following:
Carbs 6 gr
Protein 2.6 gr
Fat 0.3 gr
Fiber 2.4 gr
Vit C 135% of the recommended daily intake (RDI)
Vitamin A 11% of the RDI
Potassium 8% of the RDI
Selenium 3% of the RDI
These are the nutrient values that reduce the risk of cancer and improve the quality of the skin.
The Health Benefits of Broccoli for Cats
Broccoli contains antioxidants, vitamin K, folic acid, fiber, and potassium. There is an elaboration of what is the benefit for your cat.
Antioxidants play a key role in minimizing any damage to the cells of the immune system.
Fiber adds to digestive functions, benefits stool quality, and helps in a situation of constipation, diarrhea, diabetes, and eventual obesity.
Vitamin K prevents bleeding after an injury.
Folic Acid makes the production of red blood cells more effective.
Potassium is required for normal muscle function.
The broccoli can even help your cat to lose weight because it helps in the replacement of high-fat and high-carb treats.
Do cats like broccoli?
Our feline companions always show interest in our food and it is not at all strange to hear that many cats like to eat broccoli.
How much broccoli should you give to your cat?
As always you have to start with a less quantity and observe any allergy signs or an upset stomach. It is important to know that the broccoli given to your cat does not need to exceed more than 10% of your cat’s daily calorie intake. Being high in fiber, broccoli can cause digestive issues.
The recommended broccoli for your cat is a teaspoon once or twice a week.
How to feed your cat with broccoli?
What you should do first is to wash the dirt and pesticide out of the vegetable. Then you have to chop the broccoli into tiny pieces because of the structure the cat may choke on a bigger piece of broccoli. You just steam or boil the broccoli and serve it to your cat without adding anything else.
What can happen if a cat eats too much broccoli?
In this case, your cat may suffer diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, or flatulence.
So, if I have to conclude I will feel free to say that broccoli is not toxic to cats. On the contrary, it can be healthy and beneficial, but the amount given to your pet has to be moderate.