There might be a problem if there is a dead kitten inside a cat. She will for sure start having difficulties while delivering. That can be a threat to her health and she will need your help.
Pregnancy in cats is a natural phenomenon and if everything is going on smoothly there is nothing to worry about. Your pet will be capable of delivering the kittens without your help. Breeders will never let their cats deliver unnoticed and if the cat lives in a family it will be a practice to help the mother deliver the kittens.
Besides your worries, the best advice is to just watch the labor discreetly. Cats are pretty much independent.

Physical Symptoms and Signs of Dead Kitten Inside a Cat
During the labor, you should not only stay aside but also follow every sign she gives you. There are both physical and behavioral symptoms to be aware of.
Vaginal bleeding is one of the signs that may occur during the cat’s pregnancy and a sign of a dead kitten inside birth canal. It can be light bleeding or in some cases hard bleeding which is a very unpleasant experience. These bleedings may occur and stop, but as soon as you notice you have to contact your vet immediately.
Vomiting is the most common sign that something is wrong while the cat is pregnant. It can indicate several things. The first sign is that by vomiting she wants to expel the toxins and indicate that she may be carrying a dead kitten inside and tries to get it out as well.
Felines are very clean animals and they spend most of their time self-grooming, so if your pregnant cat starts to smell strange and not as nice as usual, it is one more of the symptoms of a dead kitten inside a cat. This kind of smell comes from your cat’s genital area. You have to make a quick reaction because the smell can become unbearable.
Behavioral Symptoms
The cat is unaware of her behavior when having a problem, but you will certainly notice it. Having a dead kitten inside her brings behavioral changes. Refusing food, acting restless, pacing back and forth, wandering from room to room a bit disoriented implies that she is suffering pain and feels something is wrong with her. This behavior shows that being aware of her discomfort she desperately seeks help from you.
Cats are picky eaters and it is not strange if they refuse certain foods, but refusal to eat can indicate other conditions. If your cat is pregnant and refuses to eat it is an alarm for you to seek help from the vet.
Cats can also become aggressive when having a dead kitten inside their womb. The feeling of not being safe brings aggression or in some cases, they can meow to you in a non-articulate mood. Never ignore the aggression in your pregnant cat.
VCA Animal Hospitals declare that cats may show slowness while pregnant, no matter if they become more loving or show aggression. In a normal pregnancy, the cat will be normally active. If your cat is pregnant and you have noticed a lower energy level or she seems not interested in the toys, or if she refuses to play with you then get ready and immediately go to the vet. She might be having a dead kitten stuck in birth canal.
When the labor starts then straining can be normal behavior for your cat, but do not hesitate if it lasts for longer than 20 - 30 minutes. They strain to deliver healthy kittens, but if she is behaving like this longer than usual it is a sure sign that she is having a dead kitten inside her. Cats are not able to deliver the dead kitten and she will suffer pain, so you should call the vet as soon as possible in this situation.
Complications and possible risks
Hopefully, none of us should deal with a situation like the previously mentioned, but still, it’s good to know that if you recognize any of these signs on time you are saving your cat’s life. Most of the time cats’ pregnancies go smoothly and there are not any complications, there is always a possibility of exceptions. Any uncertainties should be discussed with the vet in advance. Please never do anything on your own.
Miscarriage is possible in cats. The fetus can die at any time during the pregnancy. Some complications occur very early, about the 45th day of pregnancy and in this stage, the embryo is reabsorbed in the body. In some cases, this can pass unnoticed after which the other kittens will continue to develop and carry on till the birth.
Possible complications are mostly connected to the health of the mother. If it is bleeding that occurs, she can lose lots of blood and become anemic. A dead kitten stuck inside cat can easily develop sepsis which can be fatal for her.
Being very careful while your cat is pregnant is of great importance. Some cats can develop fever which indicates infection. The infection can also bring to sepsis condition. There might be a hormonal imbalance during a cat’s pregnancy when progesterone supplementation is recommended.
Depending on various conditions during pregnancy a cat may be exposed to many risks. The vet has to be involved in your cat’s pregnancy as soon as you acknowledge that she is in that condition. Examinations and physical check-ups will be suggested, so you can be sure everything is going well. That is the only way to avoid risks.
In case of viral infections the intra venous antibiotics are given to pregnant cats and in other cases of discomfort, pain, or miscarriage there is a special protocol to treat a cat. A visit to the vet or calling your vet to come home and check on the cat is step one, but after that, you are the one to pay attention to every detail during your cat’s pregnancy. Following the vet’s instructions is important.
So, in case you notice fever, decreased appetite or discharge of the cat’s vagina are the signs that show you to call the vet immediately, because these are the signs of the worst possible infections. They have to be treated well and on time for the good outcome of the situation.