Speaking in general ADHD (Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is one of the most spread neurodevelopmental disorders. Within humans, it is discovered in childhood and lasts till adulthood. Humans have difficulties paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors, or being hyperactive.
Till nowadays ADHD is not a detected condition in cats. Some behavioral changes in cats, such as high energy levels, distractibility, and impulsiveness are assumed to be normal for them. Within cats, those behavioral changes can be a result of stress, anxiety, or a certain medical problem.

ADHTD and the Symptoms
The question: “Can cats have ADHD?” has never so far been directly answered. The Vets usually put an accent on the six signs that an owner should watch out for. The best way to elaborate on this would be to go through one by one.
Kittens are known for their high energy levels, very low attention spans, and impulsive behaviors sometimes.
Nobody can say if these actions go beyond normal and can be classified as a disorder. ADHD is diagnosed in people and although some of the signs are very common it is still not diagnosed with cats.
There are a few things that you should look for in your cat and debate or judge on what is normal. I will again conclude that no scientific study made so far has diagnosed ADHD in cats.
The first sign is a Short Attention Span: Cats are social animals and at the same time they have an innate life skill for hunting, chasing, and pouncing. They are most attracted to toys that move, and in case, they find themselves around small rodents which signifies a common prey for them.
The second sign is Hyperactivity: The cat owners are familiar with the so-called concept of zoomies when their pet cat has a sudden hyperactivity attack and rushes throughout the house in a mad mood for several minutes. For them, it is normal behavior, because when most of the owners have asked the vet, they were told that it is a simple energy boost which is a part of their predatory drive or a simple desire for playing.
This burst of energy is more common for kittens but can be seen in adult cats as well. It is not strange for young cats to have an awful lot of energy no matter is day or night and the kittens are playful at their age.
Always keep in mind that if this condition regarding the level of energy in your cat remains the same for a longer period it is an alert for a concern. If not for ADHD disorder, then for the reason of feline hyperesthesia syndrome or overactive thyroid you should consult the vet.
The third sign is Impulsive Behavior and Mood Swings: Some of the cats are however more physically impulsive than others and can show more reckless behavior.
The fourth symptom is a Disregard for schedules. All the cat breeds are creatures of habit with a built-in clock for eating, sleeping, grooming, and more activities. Neurological disorders can bring the animals to chaos in habits they are used to and they will mix the scheduled activities.
With cats, it can sometimes be difficult to recognize this since they eat a few times a day, sleep several times a day or they can become picky regarding food or refuse to eat. The cats can react to a changed position of the food and water bowls.So, any change in the eating and sleeping rhythm should be immediately checked.
The fifth sign is Hyperfocus which in cats can be recognized if they show an odd behavior such as staring at walls, confusion, or even dementia in older cats.
Finally, the sixth symptom is Poor Social Interaction when the cats live in social groups, but all of a sudden like solidity.
“The Curious Case of the Chaotic Kitty”
This situation refers to a period when a cat owner is shocked due to the behavior of the pet because of the hyperactivity, disruptive behavior, and impulsivity. The owner becomes frustrated because the behavior of the cat cannot be settled using all the already known methods of training, and stimulating the cat with various treats and devotion.
This situation usually makes the owner desperate and he seeks support and help from the vet, but without any success. At first, it seems that all precautions and measures failed. Still, later on, as behavioral veterinarians and other experts have observed the cat, the underlying source of this will be revealed, and certain treatments will be suggested to the owner.
The term “curious case” suggests that the situation is completely unusual and requires further investigation to see the complexity of the cat’s behavior and slowly to come to a solution.
Factors Contributing to Hyperactivity in Cats and Researches
Many medical conditions can cause some behavioral changes in cats. Arthritis can cause irritability or even aggressiveness at times. A veterinary behavioralist is the ideal profile of a scientist who can professionally understand the condition of the cat. Hyperthyroidisms are also conditions that contribute to the strange behavior of a cat.
Traumatic accidents and scrapes with other animals or some frightening experiences are a big trigger to symptoms that will cause you to doubt that your cat is suffering from a mental disorder. Mostly mentioned reasons are the following:
abuse while they were kittens, trauma, or neglect
social isolation or loneliness
long term stress
long-term physical health condition
Treatment of ADHD
Science does not accept that cats can suffer the ADHD, so no special treatment is prepared.
Whatever is proven or not the most important fact is that ADHD medication exposure in pets is treatable. The pets taking this medication need to be treated clinically until they fully recover and their body is clean of the medication therapy they were set to take before.
Organ damage from taking ADHD medications is very rare, but there is some information it happened. What is of significant importance is to get immediate advice and support from the vet.