The fact is that there isn’t such a thing as a hypoallergenic cat. What you can opt for is a cat that sheds less. The short fur of a Siamese cat does not guarantee that it isn’t prone to shedding.
Are Siamese cats hypoallergenic? Is it true or is it a myth?
The answer needs a longer elaboration. We better say a few words about the breed and then explain all the aspects.
It may seem strange, but life is somehow playing tricks on us. Many people like cats and would like to own one, but it is impossible since they are highly allergic to felines.
Siamese cats are among the most popular breeds. These cats are highly reputable. Some of the USA presidents owned Siamese cats. But the truth is that Siamese cats are not truly hypoallergenic and if I have to answer if the Siamese cats satisfy your condition there are a few facts you have to face.
What are hypoallergenic cats?
Many people still think that hypoallergenic cats won’t affect their allergies, but this is not true. There are no truly hypoallergenic cats. The only truth is that some cats do not affect your allergy as others do.
According to the statistics, about 10% of the population is allergic to cats. The cat’s hair is not the only thing people are allergic to, but it is also the saliva. The name of the allergen is Fel d 1 and it has been produced by all of the cat breeds. Now, there is the main point that no cat is 100% hypoallergenic. The only truth is that some cats produce less of this allergen.

Are Siamese cats hypoallergenic?
Unfortunately, Siamese cats are not among those breeds who produce less of the allergen Fel d 1. They do shade a minimal amount and that may be the reason they are assumed hypoallergenic. The status is wrong though.
What happens is that when cats groom themselves they leave the Fel d 1 allergen on their fur and as they shed the allergen spreads throughout your home.
Siamese cats do not shed a lot and the allergen is less present in your home than it would be if you have any other cat breed.
Your sensitivity is very important as well because how much the cat will affect your allergy depends mostly on how sensitive you are. If you are a very sensitive person, not only the Siamese cat, but any other pet won’t be good for you, because you don’t need much exposure to the allergen to create an allergic reaction.
But if you have signs of slight allergy, then the Siamese cat can be a good choice for you.
How to deal with an allergy from a Siamese Cat?
If you belong to a group of people with a slight allergy reaction you can think of getting a Siamese cat, but you will have to take care of some precautionary measures.
The first thing to do is to take your Siamese cat to be groomed by somebody else. Be sure that if you groom it by yourself too much of Fel d 1 allergen will come directly to you. Taking it for grooming somewhere outside will make your house clean of the presence of the allergen Fel d 1 which is made by your Siamese cat.
Regular baths of t your cat will also add to reducing the presence of the allergen.
Second, do not touch your face after petting your cat.
Third, daily vacuuming, which isn’t much fun, can reduce the number of allergens.
Air purifiers also help a lot because they remove allergens from the air. One more important thing is to wash the linens regularly to avoid Fel d 1 allergen buildup.
As you see there are a few ways you can manage the allergy when having a Siamese cat.
Age, Sex, and Allergies when owning a Siamese cat
Cats including Siamese cats may also be affected by the release of the allergen. Kittens release fewer allergens than grown-up cats. This can make you think that you have become allergic to your cat all of a sudden. No. It was a kitten and the Fel d 1 allergen was not that present around you. As your cat has grown up it increases and the allergen is present beyond your sensitivity level.
Depending on the sex of your cat the amount of allergen will vary. Female Siamese cats release less Fel d 1 allergen than the mails do. So, it is better to take a female kitten if you suffer from allergies.
Please note that there’s a difference in character between male and female Siamese cats. If you prefer a male cat neutering will solve much of a problem. After being neutered male cats will produce less allergen than before.
The color of the fur plays an important role when talking about allergies. Siamese cats with darker coats possess more of the allergen Fel d 1 than those in lighter fur color. So, a Siamese cat in a lighter color and less shedding is a perfect match for you.
Cats are going to affect people suffering from allergies no matter what, but if they are members of the group with less severe allergies this is probably the most acceptable choice.
You may be disappointed knowing that no cat is truly hypoallergenic but cheered up if a Siamese cat is your favorite breed and is considered to be hypoallergenic. Less shedding, less effect on your allergy.
So, let me resume for you that Siamese cats make good pets for quiet homes and like their family. They are not very fond of small kids because they do not want to compete for your attention. Their owner is a special figure in their lives and they make a strong bond. They are highly intelligent and playful cats and need mental and physical stimulation. Thus, if you are a Siamese cat lover keep in mind that Siamese cats are not hypoallergenic, but there still are options to own one despite your allergies.