Taking care of your cat is a pleasure on the one hand and a tough job on the other since it is a curious, a bit stubborn, and adventurous animal. Don’t count that it will simply sit and observe an interesting plant in its surroundings. The cat personality makes it get up and observe it or decide to have it for a “snack”. So, the best way to prevent this if possible is either not to keep such plants at home or near your cat, or take care of your cat’s moves. As a cat owner, it is normal to wonder if ferns are dangerous for cats and to what limit.
Well, yes, they are and we’ll elaborate on the issue. But in the beginning let me mention that depending on the fern plant, your cat may suffer mild discomfort or a fully blown health crisis.
What type of plans are ferns?
These kinds of plants, called ferns are not flowering plants. They do not have flowers or seeds, so the reproduction is made by spores. All ferns consist of a root, leaves, and stems as all other plants do.
There are not any ferns that cats can safely consume. So, let’s face the fact that ferns are dangerous for cats. You must also know that many plants that look like ferns or maybe have the word fern in their names are not ferns at all. Most of these plants are dangerous for your cat. Some of the most toxic are Asparagus fern, Sprenger fern, and the winter fern. In case your cat has consumed any of these plants you should immediately contact your vet.
The Asparagus fern is a very popular home plant and it is not in the group of true ferns despite its name. This plant is not fatal or dangerous, but its berries can cause discomfort for your cat. Eating or being close to this plant will bring your cat some gastrointestinal problems or skin irritation.

True ferns and are they dangerous to cats?
If you follow the instructions of the ASPCA you can keep all the true fern plants at home because they are generally safe for your cat. These plants will not compromise your cat’s health and won’t cause any damage if your cat decides to chew them.
Speaking in general, ferns are safe for your cat, and if it chews a decent amount of the plant, it will not require vet intervention. In this case, you can only consult your vet for short and helpful guidance.
Are Cats allowed to Chew or not to Chew Ferns?
According to what was previously said it is not a disaster if your cat chews a bit of a fern plant. Again, ferns are not a good snack for your cat and what you should do if you notice that your cat is a bit more interesting for a plant, is simply put it out of the range of your cat.
Fern Toxicity to Cats
Cats’ curiosity brings them into strange and sometimes dangerous situations. If you want to keep your fur companion safe remove all that is dangerous for it. Better avoid ferns since they can be in a certain way dangerous for your cat.
Cats and ferns are not a deadly combination, but the one you should avoid. I am sure that all of us, cat owners, are trying to do our best for the fern companions and try to be cautious, but besides that, it can happen. What to do and how to react in such a situation, when the cat has chewed a fern plant is very important to know.
You might realize while taking care of a cat, that it can be affected by some plants even without trying them. Being in the vicinity of the cat some plants may cause a reaction. Pollen for example can cause an allergic reaction.
Symptoms of Fern Poisoning in Cats
Here are the symptoms that your cat can show if poisoned by ingesting fern plants. The cats usually just chew the leaves of the ferns. The symptoms in this case may vary from mild to severe. For a wide range of poisonous plants, I advise you to check the web page of ASPCA and check the list of dangerous plants.
In case your cat has had a meal of fern plant you may expect the following symptoms:
Stomach Pain
If it has only rubbed itself against some kind of ferns it may cause severe health concerns. What you must do is consult your vet to advise you of proper care and plan of recovery which most of the times involve in-person assessment of your cat.
Recovery Treatment
When a dangerous fern has been ingested by your feline friend you must alert the vet as soon as possible. The faster you react the recovery will be more effective. As we said chewing or even rubbing against a fern plant may cause severe medical issues for the cat.
Some vets will ask you to bring your cat to their offices and if so, never forget to bring some of the consumed ferns to show to the vet. This will have a great impact on the successful treatment suggested by the vet. He will be able to determine any further consequences and stop them.
The first step that your vet will do is to rinse the irritating oils from the fern from the cat’s mouth and skin. In case your cat is vomiting or has diarrhea, the vet may suggest intravenous fluids so your cat will be hydrated. In some cases, antihistamine therapy is prescribed to help with skin irritations.
I will resume and say that ferns are safe to grow in your house if you have a cat, but some plants that have fern in their names, or some other plants can be very dangerous and toxic for your cat.
A mild amount of consumed fern will cause discomfort for cats, but try not to let your feline companion make a snack out of it.