To answer whether cats can eat oatmeal or a few other foods good for their owners, we must consider several facts.
Technically oatmeal is safe for cats because it doesn’t contain toxins or other harmful elements that can make them sick. As with other non-typical cat foods, it will be best to serve this kind of food in moderate amounts.
Oatmeal is not a natural part of a cat’s diet and it is not healthy for cats to eat large amounts of carbohydrates.
This is the main reason why we must make sure of certain facts before giving our feline friend the same breakfast choice as we eat.

Nutritional fact about oatmeal
This kind of meal is rich in carbohydrates and is not appropriate for cats. The amount of protein and fiber is very low and not enough for cats. The portion of oatmeal has Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Zinc, Iron, and Selenium.
Oatmeal indeed contains more protein than other grains such as wheat or rice for example. It contains a large amount of carbohydrates, so it is not hard to understand that a cat’s diet should not include oatmeal very often.
How often can cats eat oatmeal?
As carnivores by nature, cats should have a high-protein diet. Cats need a high level of fat which is their energy source, but their need for carbohydrates is very small. They sure can live without them.
According to these facts, cats can eat oatmeal but only once in a while and of course if you serve them this kind of food in moderate amounts. Or if you want to simplify this, just keep in mind that some cats like the taste of oatmeal and some do not like it at all.
So, do not insist or force your cat to consume oatmeal. On one hand, it is not a part of a cat’s diet and on the other hand, you can obtain some other snack that your cat will love better. Your cat will appreciate a meat-based treat rather than a carbohydrate treat.
Cats in general, must have a heavy protein diet with appropriate amounts of fat included.
What are the cat’s basic dietary requirements?
At least 26% of protein must be present in an adult cat portion. According to some studies, the cat will have a perfect body appearance when it gets a diet that consists of 40% protein.
If you are wondering why cats need to intake proteins from animal meat it is because of the taurine contained in that kind of meat. Taurine happens to be an essential amino acid present in animal food. Chicken meat and Salmon are mostly accented. Taurine is not to be underestimated because the lack of it can have fatal outcomes causing health issues in cats. Feline taurine retinopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy are caused just because of a lack of taurine.
Some adult cats may need even more proteins and their diet must contain 50% of protein. Never forget that if your cat is suffering any kidney issues it will need a lower quantity of proteins. Your vet is the person who should advise on this subject.
A minimum of 9% of fats must be present in the cats’ diet. Although many of us think that the intake of fat is not good, cats must eat a decent amount of fat to stay healthy. Cats use fat for energy a long-lasting fat diet will obtain a good energetic level for the animal. If the cat does not have any particular condition such as pancreatitis, the cat needs at least 9% or even more of fats in the diet.
Omega fatty acids are a must as well. They will help your cat’s body absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Such as Vitamins A, E, D, and K.
When your cat is obtained with a normal cat-quality balanced diet it will not need any extra treats and intake of carbohydrates. They are not as good for cats as they are for us. Carbohydrates do not satisfy cats’ nutritional needs. If your vet has determined a good diet for the cat, it will get all nutrients from the daily meals and obtain a good and healthy body, good weight, and maintain the body functions on a great level.
People are facultative carnivores so oatmeal will be good for us who are adapted to eating carbohydrates as well.
Cats as obligate carnivores can only gain body weight from food that is rich in carbohydrates.
Conclusion on how good oatmeal is for the cats
A portion of oatmeal is safe and non-toxic for cats. They will more benefit from other treats than they will from oatmeal. Chicken jerky is always a better choice for cats than oatmeal.
Since oatmeal does not have any particular toxins for your cat you can feed it once in a while with it. The cat will undoubtedly enjoy the taste. You have to be careful of the amount of oatmeal you give your cat to avoid weight gain because oatmeal is not an ideal diet for natural carnivores.
One very important point that we have not mentioned so far is that cats cannot eat oatmeal with cinnamon. The oatmeal that you will serve your cat must be blank without any sweeteners or cinnamon. The only possible way to spice oatmeal is by using animal proteins such as salmon or tuna.
Oatmeal cookies are also not recommended for your cat. The Plain cooked oatmeal in water is the best choice you can make.
Oatmeal and health benefits
Besides all oatmeal has numerous health benefits for your cat. It is rich in antioxidants. There are some fats in the oatmeal and they contain linoleic acid that are good for your cat’s healthy skin and coat.
There is fiber in oatmeal and that improves digestion.
Oatmeal is not a No-Go for your cat. You can include it in your diet. Not often and in decent amounts.