That makes you confused if the kitty is feeling ok or not.
Your cat may stop eating gradually or all of a sudden. Anyway, as soon as you notice this you should ask for help from your vet. This behavioral change can have a psychological background or be a sign of an illness.
Let us elaborate on some issues that bring your pet into this situation.
What causes a cat to stop eating?
Two terms are usually connected to the eating issue in cats. Losing of appetite is generally referred to as anorexia, while hypoxia means that a pet is eating less than normal. Anyway, only the term anorexia is used.
According to the vets, your cat may refuse their portion for many reasons. The list is not short. Here are a few reasons: an upset stomach, food change, stress or emotional causes, dental problems, body pain, parasites, upper respiratory infections, food allergies, various digestive tract issues, toxin ingestion, medication side effects, or the worst, an underlying medical condition as a kidney or liver disease.

Why might a cat stop drinking water?
It is not normal for a cat to not drink water if the food intake is normal. You may try a cat water fountain because some cats like moving water. Sometimes the noise made by the water in the fountain gets them close to it and it makes them drink water.
Another possible cause of not drinking water when a cat has a normal food intake is changing the food you give your cat. If it is canned food or some other moisture-content food your cat will stop drinking as much water as it did before. You do not need to worry in this case. But if you notice that your cat does not eat enough and does not drink water as an add to that condition you must consult a vet immediately.
How to react when your cat is not eating and drinking?
You must determine what is the reason. The treatment of an animal that refuses to eat or drink consists of two phases. Firstly, you have to detect the cause, and second, give the cat supportive care which is very important.
If your cat is suffering from anorexia you will have to determine the cause of the issue and make sure that it is completely resolved. Even if it is caused by a possible illness. It is good to know that if your cat feels well and the eating habit is back to normal, the anorexia can come back without supportive therapy. This therapy has to be given to the cat for a prescribed period that which the vet determines.
To determine the cause for the loss of appetite the vet needs to take a detailed history of your cat’s symptoms, and any possible changes in the house, and ask for certain physical exams to get a real view of your cat’s overall health. Because in some cases a respiratory infection and a dental problem can cause loss of appetite.
All the diagnostic tests will help the vet explain the inside condition of your cat’s body. These tests include:
- A facial check to see if there are any parasites
- Bloodwork and a urinalysis
- X-rays and ultrasound
-Tests for infectious diseases
More tests will be suggested by the vet if he assumes they have to be made. The cat may be prescribed a diet by your vet.
The most important is to set a diagnosis and give the cat an appropriate treatment. If your cat has dental problems, it will have to go under dental procedure, and if it is under stress because of certain changes in the house, it will have to take calming supplementation.
Besides the cause, the animal needs a diagnosis, and good treatment to heal and prevent further complications. If your cat suffers anorexia, according to your cat’s condition and its needs commonly used treatments will include:
-medications for nausea
-appetite stimulants
-stomach protectants
-pain medications
-Electrolyte-balanced fluids
-diets for sensitive stomach
Depending on the condition the cat may be hospitalized, but if it can be treated at home there might be some extra measures like warming the food to body temperature to increase the aroma or hand feeding to show extra attention and care.
What do you do as a cat owner when your cat won’t eat?
It does not matter which age your cat is when it stops eating. It is a dangerous condition at any age. Every cat owner asks himself the same question about going to the vet immediately or monitoring the cat and seeing how things are going.
With cats, you do not wait for a second, because if cats do not eat for a day or two, they get a fatty liver which causes liver failure. This condition appears when the cat’s body uses all the stored fat for energy., so it can function with anorexia. Overweight kitties and cats are at a higher risk, although fatty liver can happen to almost any cat. The liver is involved in processing the stored fat and suffers because it is overwhelmed.
When your cat is not eating it can be dehydrated, causing an electrolyte disbalance, and nutrient deficiencies. The weight loss is obvious in a condition of anorexia and it causes a delay in the healing process. In case, your cat has stopped eating because of picky eating habits, your vet will establish a healthy eating routine.
The advice he gives you may be to start with a new food or to switch from dry food to canned food. Some cat owners mix a little bit of fish oil or a small amount of canned tuna in their cat’s diet to enrich the aroma.
No matter what the reason for the loss of appetite or stopping drinking water may be, visit the vet as soon as possible because cats can hide many secrets showing mild symptoms.