Your cat will always be fit and healthy if you follow its dietary needs. In case you decide to introduce new products in your cat’s diet you must do it slowly and carefully. Curious animals such as cats will always try to learn what their owner is eating and try to taste some. Is it only its curios mood you can never say. Green beans are not a product that has to be on the list of your cat’s regular diet, but it may like it.
There will not be any problem if the cat tries green beans but in a moderate amount.
Let’s see what are the cat’s dietary needs and elaborate on green beans as a novice in its food product list.

Understanding Cat’s Dietary Needs
Your cat and all the other animals of the cat group are obligate carnivores. They have the most benefit of the proteins that come from the animal meat. As hunters by nature when they lived in the wild, cats needed to hunt their prey and satisfy their feeding needs.
Meat proteins together with fats and carbohydrates are the nutrients that derive from the prey for the cats that live in the wild, and from the quality commercial food for home cats, now.
It is also important that cats get hydrated from the food they eat.
In the list of nutrients that your cat needs to be fit and healthy, there are vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and fatty acids. All these nutrients must be present in your cat’s diet in sufficient proportions to provide your cat with energy and keep its whole body and muscles healthy.
Your vet is the best person to suggest what your feline should intake with its portions of food. What is not included in the suggested food the vet will ask you to give to your cat as a supplement.
The most important component in a cat’s diet, the proteins, are essential for muscular tissues, ligaments, blood glucose levels, and the enzymes in the cat’s liver. These are found in turkey, chicken meat, fish, and lamb.
Your cat needs one more type of protein in their daily food intake. Besides the meat proteins, it also needs plant proteins. These proteins are not as crucial for your cat as the others mentioned so it will get them from the other ingredients in the meat-based commercial quality food.
Never underestimate the needs of your feline companion, because if it does not get the needed proteins and other nutrients it won’t be healthy and will probably lead to some behavioral issues. If not else, the cat will become lethargic and won’t show interest in interaction.
The answer to how much protein is enough for your cat is with your vet also. Depending on the breed and age he will suggest what is the best amount of proteins for your cat. According to many researchers, the average of 26% protein daily is perfectly enough.
Potential Benefits of Green Beans for Cats
After we have elaborated on your cat’s diet, we may say a few words about its affection to green beans and is it ok for cats.
Green beans are not toxic or something that your cat should not try. On the contrary, this plant has some important nutritional benefits for your feline friend.
It is widely known that cats love to eat green beans. Cats are picky eaters, but the taste of green beans is irresistible for them.
What you have to take care of is what kind of green beans your cat loves to eat. Some cats prefer raw green beans because they like the crunchy texture and love the taste. Green beans from a can or frozen ones are not at all good for cats. They are full of preservatives and are usually salted. Sodium is the slow killer of your cat; you probably know that already.
If you cook the green beans and give a moderate amount to your cat twice a day it will be both beneficial and a great treat for the feline. When cooked the green beans have an intense flavor and nice smell which will attract your cat.
As we mentioned there are a few benefits from the green beans. The first of the few is the soluble fiber present in green beans which is very important for a cat’s metabolic system.
The Soluble fiber from the green beans can help your cat with both, diarrhea and constipation.
Note that the worst case is serving your cat raw green beans which can cause digestive problems.
Green beans can be a good product to improve the weight loss of your cat since it is rich in fiber. Instead of trying other methods you can simply offer this fiber-rich plant and trick the stomach of your cat which will feel full for a longer period after eating green beans due to the fiber content.
Green beans that offer plant protein to your cat can save it from any health issues connected to its urinary tract. This protein will regulate the acidity of your cat’s urine and all the stones or calcifications from the cat’s bladder will be easily dissolved. In the occasion of urinary problems, you must keep the water bowl always full, because the calcifications will be better removed when the cat pees more often.
In all of these conditions, you will have to consult a vet since the age of your cat makes a difference.
Besides the already mentioned three specific conditions, speaking in general green beans is a plant that offers many beneficial nutrients important for your cat. If you apply green beans to your cat as a daily intake together with its protein full portion it will get thiamine, calcium, Vitamins K, A, and C, iron, and Manganese.
In this case, you will not have to give any supplements to your cat to balance the amount proficient to its body, but you will be using a natural source, green beans.
Please note to enlarge the amount slowly and observe because your cat may love green beans but can be allergic to them.
Precautions and Risks when You Give Green Beans to Your Cat
Being cautious when you start giving green beans to your cat is very important. It can be allergic to green beans which is a great risk. In such a case you better hurry to your vet or give him an immediate call. If your feline is allergic to green beans, it will start itching, it may swell, and show some other symptoms that will lead to the guess.
Canned green beans may also cause a reaction connected to the digestive system of your cat since canned products are salted and thus dangerous for felines.
The digestive system is anyhow affected when you give a new product to your cat. But you will recognize the symptoms and consult a vet as soon as possible.
As a last risky moment, I will mention the raw green beans which may be a choking hazard for your cat.
As I may now conclude, green beans are beneficial for your cat in case the animal loves them, but it is on you to take care of the amount, preparation, and observation when you decide to start giving it to your cat.