So, let’s elaborate on how the tropics are affecting cats and whether is Mango, particularly good for your cat.
Are exotic fruits safe for cats?
Generally speaking, exotic fruits are not safe for cats. The cats won’t be harmed, but there is no nutritional value important for cats. Your cat can show an interest in them and will ask for a nibble from time to time, but you do not need to give your cat the tropics due to their almost no nutritional value for your cat.

Can Cats Eat Mango
Mango is a super nutritional fruit for the cat owner. Wondering what about cats?
Well, your cat may be as curious as all other cats are and love to try everything that you eat or it might be you who would like to feed a cat some mango which in both cases is not dangerous at all since cats can eat mango, but only in small amounts.
Your cat can benefit from eating mango. If you give your feline companion only a small amount of the fruit it will be healthy. Do not let your cat eat the peels because they can cause stomach discomfort.
Why Do Cats Like Mango?
Humans get all the nutrients from the food of animal or plant origin. We are not obligate carnivores, but our feline cats are. So, they get all the nutrients from the meat or fish. Cats don’t need plant sources to be fed and stay healthy. Besides all the pros and cons cats do need snacks of vegetable and fruit origin. Fruits like mangoes are perfect for cat snacks.
Your cat and all the cats, of course, do not taste sweet and they will not enjoy the mango fruit as you will. The texture of the mango fruit may be intriguing for many cats. It is not at all strange if we conclude that your cat is just fond of any food that you eat no matter if they like it or not.
Health Benefits of Mango for Your Cat
There is no way that as a cat owner, you can try replacing a healthy balanced cat diet with a mango fruit. The amount of mango you are offering your cat can be appropriate to what the vet might suggest, but it won’t get enough nutrients at all, because the mango nutrients are better and appropriate for humans.
Vitamin A is the biggest nutrient for your cat from a mango fruit. This vitamin boosts the immune system and keeps your cat healthy and active. Mango offers vitamin B6 to your cat and it is important in helping to absorb nutrients from the other appropriate cat food.
There is a small amount of fiber in mango and it will be efficient for your cat’s digestion. Because of the amount of water content of the mango fruit, it will also help your cat’s hydration. As you can see this fruit brings some benefits to your feline company, but there are also some things not well enough which is why you have to be moderate with the amount of mango you give to your cat.
A Safe Portion of Mango for Your Cat
Serve the mango to your cat without any additions such as sugar or any other preservatives. The high content of sugar in the Mango fruit is already a risk for your cat and can cause certain problems such as obesity, and diabetes. Sugar can also cause stomach problems in cats.
Mango peels and pits are also dangerous for your cat. Cats have problems digesting the fruit peels and the pits can be a choking hazard and may contain toxins dangerous for your cat. So, move the peels and clean the mango out of the pit before you serve it to your cat.
Does a Cat Need Vitamin C from the Mango Fruit?
It is believed that mango is a great source of Vitamin C for us, humans, and it may lead you to the conclusion that the same happens with your cats. This vitamin is an antioxidant and helps the body fight against diseases.
Cats do not have that much vitamin C because they have a self-production of Vitamin C in their bodies. So, do the cats get vitamin C or not is not crucial. They get some from their daily diet and that is completely enough because too much vitamin C can be a problem for the cat. If you give too much Vitamin C to your cat it can cause bladder or kidney stones. Knowing this you should be careful when giving mango to your cat. It may be an occasional treat, but not an everyday habit.
Mango as a delicious and healthy fruit for humans is not that efficient in a cat’s diet. Make moderate and small portions to give to your cat so it can enjoy your favorite snack. However, mangos offer only a little nutritional value to cats.