Origin of the breed of Siamese Mix Cat
Siamese Mix Cats are considered hybrid cats. One of the parents must be a pure Siamese cat while the other can belong to any other cat breed. This brings us to the conclusion that the Siamese Mix Cat can inherit a variety of characteristics from both parents. Their color, body shape, health, and personality will mostly depend on the genetic structure they get from their parents.
With this breed, you never know which kind of cat personality you will have to deal with. But it is a great and nice temptation for every cat lover. You may have to deal with the strict character of a pure Siamese cat that does not look like one at all. Or you can simply get a one-of-a-kind cat, which is a perfect combination of both parents’ characteristics.
What’s tricky for you as an owner of a Siamese Mix Cat is that you can not tell for sure what you are dealing with until your pet gets mature. You know the story when a man went to a cat shelter to find a cat for his family and met a Siamese Mix Cat.
The workers at the shelter were writing about the cat every single detail regarding its likes, dislikes, and manners so the man decided to adopt it, as it all seemed great for him. It turned out that he got a Siamese Mix Cat which perfectly adjusted in his family and they were all happy.
Physical Characteristics of a Siamese Mix Cat
The Siamese Mix Cat body is built on long athletic lines. They are tall with slender legs and neat oval paws. Their ears are large and follow the shape of a triangular head. The eyes are almond-shaped and pointed towards the nose. This breed has a long and straight tail.
Siamese cats are unique because of their blue eyes. These cats have that significant eye color which is a genetics issue. The curiosity about all Siamese cats, including the mix cats is that they do not see well in the dark. They can see, but not to every detail.
What personality to expect from a Siamese Mix Cat?
Knowing the parentage of a Siamese Mix Cat will be a crucial thing to determining the personality of the kitten of this breed. Some of the Siamese Mix Cats inherit the classic personality characteristics of a Siamese Cat which are being shadowed with the personality traits of the other parent. As for now, we can mention the widely known Siamese personality traits:
Siamese cats are extremely intelligent, affectionate, vocal, and energetic. They are always eager to learn new things and perform great discipline, so if you are looking for a cat that can be trained, a Siamese is a great choice. These cats are very intelligent and get bored faster than other cats. Siamese Mix Cats are as talkative as their pure Siamese relatives. They know how to tell you if they are hungry, or bored, or if they like to play and want more attention.
Siamese Mix Cats are affectionate and devoted. It’s not strange if they follow you around the house and join you for a night’s sleep. Try not to leave them alone except when you have to go to work. They like having someone around during the whole day.
Siamese Mix Cats like to play like no other cat breed, so it won’t be a bad idea to have many toys and obtain more and more because the old ones will be boring in no time. Adding a height in their surrounding is a perfect thing that you can do. They like to explore and climb cat trees. All of these treats are particularly Siamese characteristics, thus exploring the other cat’s parent’s moods and characteristics is the right thing to do so you can have an insight into the overall character of your Siamese Mix Cat.
Predicting the character of a Siamese Mix Cat is not an exact science and only in case both of the parents have an identical character sign you can be sure that the kitten will inherit it. All the other predictions can be a guessing game.
An opposite example can be when the parents are either extremely wild or sedate and when they mate the kittens appear somewhere in the middle between the two extremes. With the crossbreed kittens, it is always the same, you can never figure out what their character will be like until you get to know them better.
Care and Maintenance
Your Siamese Mix Cat can be prone to asthma and bronchial diseases, heart defects, and Amyloidosis which happens when the proteins no longer functioning, are deposited in other organs in the cat’s body, especially the liver.
Many cat breeders are wondering if this breed is hypoallergenic, but the answer will be disappointing since no cat is truly hypoallergenic. All cats produce allergens, which are proteins found in the cat’s saliva, skin, and urine. These allergens can be a trigger for allergies in people.
The life span of a Siamese Mix Cat is around 15 years of age, and rarely 20.
Siamese Mix Cat is assumed to be a low-maintenance cat. The coat is short and shiny. Their ears have to be regularly cleaned and their teeth brushed.
It is preferable to feed them with a high-protein diet.
Siamese Mix Cats are picky cats and they have a habit of marking the territory that belongs to them. The biggest problem may occur when they have to share their home with another cat. They are adjustable to the family members and not really to other pets around the house.