“People who belong to Siamese cats must make up their minds to do a good deal of waiting upon them.” - said Compton Mekenzie and he wasn’t wrong.
Everything a man should know about the Siamese Cat breed is within these words.
Siamese Cats are originally from Thailand, once called Siam. The exotic place of origin and the uniqueness of the breed make the Siamese Cat pricing considerable.
A debate about how really old the Siamese cats are is still active. There is a manuscript “Tamra Maew” (The Cat Book Poems) that locates them in time. It dates between the 14th and 18th centuries, so it was when the breed occurred.
Origins of the Siamese Cat
The most beloved cat breed in the world is the Siamese Cat. Their elegant appearance and playful and affectionate personality make them irresistible pets. Buying one is not an easy job, because of the Siamese pricing which depends on many aspects.
Siamese Cat history takes us back to ancient Siam, which is an old name of Thailand. According to the oldest beliefs, these cats were first created by the Siamese royalty and used as royal companions in the palaces. This is an intelligent and beautiful cat, which was the reason it was a present given to foreign royal dignitaries in Siam.
In the Western literature, the Siamese cat was first mentioned in the 14th century. An Italian traveler Giovanni de Marignolli mentioned that he saw a soft and glossy fur in the Siam Kingdom. However, it was not before the 19th century that the Siamese cat was introduced in Europe.
The English Queen Victoria has got two Siamese cats as a gift. As she was completely impressed with the cats, they became very famous and popular among the British aristocracy.
The appearance of the old breed is very different from the present modern-looking Siamese cats. First cats of this breed were larger, with round faces and shorter thicker tails. What in Siam was thought to be the sign of the exceptional beauty of the Siamese breed was nothing else, but the tail.

Breeding Standards and Breeder Reputation
As time passed the Siamese Cat breed began to evolve. Most of the breeders selected those treats of the breed they were impressed with, and in the 1950s and 1960s, the Siamese Cat got a slender and streamlined body type. Then the Siamese Cat tail was much thinner and longer and the face became angular.
This breeders’ tendency has brought us to recognize the Modern Siamese Cat which is now the most common type of that kind. Pricing of the Siamese Cat is due to this and a few other standards introduced by breeders over time.
We can consider a few varieties of Siamese Cat color appearance:
A “seal point” Siamese Cat has dark brown points and a cream-colored body. Nowadays there are also “chocolate point” Siamese cats whose bodies are beige. The third variety is called “blue point” Siamese Cat with grey-blue points and a white body. Knowing this, you can guess that there are many factors dictating Siamese cat pricing.
Talking about the Siamese Cat pricing I must mention the most distinctive of all Siam cats the Egyptian Siamese cat. This breed has a unique appearance which is different from the modern Siamese cats. The body of this cat is more muscular, the coat is thicker, and it is shorter with a more rounded head than a modern Siamese cat. These cats are very self-independent, less vocal, and very loyal and lovable as the other cats of this breed.
No matter to which type the Siamese Cats belong, they are all known to be very intelligent and playful. Being affectionate and social at the same time makes them more valuable. They form a very strong connection with its owner which is one more characteristic to value.
Vocal communication of the Siamese cat plays an important role when pricing it because some owners do like vocal cats. The sounds produced by Siamese cats can vary from gentle chirps to loud yowls.
All the registered breeders of Siamese cats have a good reputation and are holders of a TICA special code number. The Siamese Cat pricing depends on the breeder’s reputation as well.
Factors that Influence Siamese Cats Pricing
If you want to take a Siamese cat from a breeder with an excellent reputation it may cost you between 500$ and 2,800$ and the pricing is mostly influenced by the lineage. This investment if we may call it so, will bring you a bunch of love and affectionate companionship.
Speaking in general, raising a good breed and running a good cattery is not cheap at all, so getting a pet from a reputable breeder is expected to be very expensive.
It is also widely known why buying a Siamese cat is financially exhausting. Breeders mention six important reasons:
1. High Demand
2. Pedigree
3. Source
4. Coloring
5. Age
6. Show Quality
All of the mentioned points affect the Siamese Cat pricing. Whoever wants to buy a purebred Siamese cat is ready to spend hundreds of dollars. Analyzing the situation in detail, taking a Siamese cat can cost you even thousands of dollars. Let us elaborate on the previously mentioned points and see why Siamese cat Pricing is so important.
The distinctive and unique beauty puts Siamese Cats among the most famous cats. A kitten may cost around 250$ to 1000$. Adult, show cats can reach a price of 2000$. The demand for Siamese cats is also very high which raises the price as well.
Show-quality purebred Siamese cats are very rare and thus enormously expensive.
Pedigree is just another driver in the Siamese Cat pricing. Keeping the pure breed line is very expensive. It may demand a special diet and some medicines which can affect the quality of lineage.
Consider that the source you have found to buy your cat from is of great importance. It affects the Siamese cat pricing as well. A Siamese cat can be adopted or it can be bought from Thailand directly, which as an initial cost includes your travel to the destination including the cost of your stay there.
In case you decide to take a cat from breeders close to where you live, your cost is brought to a minimum, regarding the trip to the destination you are taking the cat from. It sure affects the Siamese Cats’ pricing. Anyhow, a distant location will increase the price.
So, buying a bundle of love and a high-quality pet is not easy at all and includes many predictable and unpredictable costs, but it still is worth every cent.