Pineapple is not poisonous for cats, but it can cause a variety of problems, from digestive to allergic. It will be the best to keep your favorite tropical food out of the range of your cat.
You can share a piece of a pineapple with your cat. It is on the ASPCA list of safe fruits for cats, but don’t forget to be moderate in sharing pineapples with your cat.

Can cats eat pineapples?
What is known for sure so far is that pineapple is safe for cats. Sharing some of this tropical fruit with your cat is not forbidden. What you must be careful about is the reaction of the cat. It may be allergic, so do not give it a big amount. The moderation in everything is valid for the pineapple as well.Are Pineapples good for cats?
So far it is known that pineapple is good for people because of its nutrient sources. It has vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system and keeps the skin and connective tissues healthy. Since the pineapple is rich in fiber it helps digestion.
Pineapple provides the following essential vitamins and minerals:
Vit C
Cats do not need any need external source of vitamin C. Only humans, guinea pigs, and fruit bats are the only animals that need an intake of fruits and vegetables to provide this nutrient. The rest of the living world including the cats, of course, produce it on their own.
When it comes to the other nutrients if you give your cat good quality food it is receiving the correct balance of nutrition. Almost all the vets will advise you to stick to your ordinary cat’s diet as much as you can while an occasional small amount of pineapple will not be a cause of any damage.
So, no matter if your cat will benefit from a vitamin boost occasionally, they don’t need any extra Vit C.

When is Pineapple bad for Cats?
If you feed your cat a raw unsweetened pineapple it can be assumed as a treat without any bad consequences. Only if served in a big amount the pineapple may cause problems for your cat’s digestive tract. Diarrhea and vomiting can occur if constantly served in big quantities to your cat. Pineapple is in this group.
The leaves and the skin of a pineapple are very hard to digest and will cause problems for your cat. They may cause a blockage in the digestive system of your cat which will make your cat very sick. Many cats will enjoy these particular parts of the pineapple, but if you notice them, it would be great to focus them on a toy instead.
If the pineapple is kept in a sugary syrup or if it is part of a pineapple cake it isn’t good for the cat. It has calories that added to your cat’s diet will cause weight gain or the high sugar content of this kind of pineapple will lead to stomach discomfort in your cat.
Pineapple yogurt or dry pineapple is also not recommended for your feline companion because the cat will hardly process them due to the lactose presence.
Big amounts of pineapple are not at all good for your cat.
Do cats like pineapple?
Some cats do, some don’t. The taste sense of the cats is not the same as ours so they do not conceptualize sweet foods as we do. What cats like about pineapple is this fruit's meaty, flesh-like texture. It is tasty for some cats and kills the thirst of others because this is a fruit that contains lots of moisture.
Since cats are curious by nature, some of them may eat this fruit out of curiosity. Whatever the situation with your cat, you should ensure that it eats the flesh of the fruit, not the skin or the leaves.
Can you give your cat pineapple?
The answer to this question is yes, you can give pineapple to your cat but in moderate amounts. A large amount of pineapple can cause stomach discomfort. It will be best if it is given as a treat, not as a food replacement. The cats are taking all the nutrients from the good quality food we give them daily, so a need to supplementation is not necessary. It is a fact that cats do not need additional fruit intake as we humans do. Especially not Vit C.
If your cat is not fond of pineapple you should never force it to eat it.
To resume I will say that pineapple is widely popular in the human diet and we use it for cocktails, delicious pies, or as a healthy sweet in summer. People can eat it, but their feline companions will not be poisoned but can experience digestive problems or allergic reactions if given a larger amount of pineapple.
The safe way to offer your cat this fruit is to peel it carefully, remove the leaves and the skin, wash it with fresh water, and cut the pineapple into small pieces (the size of a cat biscuit) so it won’t choke it. While your cat is consuming the pineapple make sure to keep an eye on it because it may show an allergic reaction.