Why Can Cats Eat Celery?
Celery can be one of the occasional snacks for our cats. Health benefits are also offered to our feline companions when we offer them celery. It is a good source of antioxidants so bacteria and viruses, including inflammatory processes, will be stopped. There are two antioxidants found in celery: luteolin and apigenin.
There as also many vitamins in celery such as vitamins A, C, and K. Calcium, potassium, and phosphorus which are also included in celery are great for your cat. As you see there is nothing bad inside the celery that your cat cannot eat.
Celery is 95% water and a good source of fiber. This is great for digestion and keeping constipation. Besides all the above-mentioned benefits, your cat should not eat a lot of celery because the nutritional value of celery for cats is very low.
Munching small celery sticks will not harm your feline companion so you can give it a little to enjoy it.

Dangers of Feeding Celery to Cats
Celery is good for cats but only from time to time and in decent amounts. As with any other nutrient you have to be careful with the celery as well.
If your cat likes to munch it you have to cut the celery into very small pieces to avoid choking.
Celery should always be given to cats without any additional stuff. Just plain. Not garlic, salt, onion, butter, or any kind of dip. These additional ingredients can make the cat sick while the dips may have some toxic substances for your cat.
Feeding your cat with celery can cause stomach discomfort and it can experience some gastrointestinal problems. Fiber is good for digestion, but a big concentration of fiber can be bad for your cat well well-being. Carnivores as the cats are should not be offered a lot of fruits and vegetables.
If you were planning to give your cat celery seeds then your vet must give his opinion about this.
How much celery should you give to your cat?
The best way to keep your cat healthy and in good physical condition is to obtain it with good quality balanced food. Vets say that 90% of your cat’s food should be a balanced food diet and only 10% can be left on treats.
Since you cannot be sure how the cat will react after eating celery small amounts are preferred. The vet knows which quantity of celery will be good for your cat, but still, a tablespoon is about enough for a serving per day.
Can Cats Have Peanut Butter on Celery?
If you are wondering if this is ok, well it is. Celery dipped in peanut butter is good for cats. But remember that the peanut butter you use does not contain toxic ingredients like xylitol. Peanut butter is high in fat and does not have any nutritional benefit for your cat.
Many pet owners face a problem when it comes to how to feed their pets. It is one of the most important things to acknowledge before obtaining a cat.
Celery in particular is safe for cats to consume. This vegetable has many health benefits for the cat mostly because of the high vitamin and fiber content of this plant.
Celery has diuretic characteristics and is good for the cats’ kidney function. The fiber from the celery will help your cat digest the food better.
Many of us, cat owners have noticed that being curious, cats are very attracted by the leaves that grow on the top of the celery stalk.
Is Celery Good for Cats?
Of course it is, but in moderate amounts. It is good for many reasons I have already mentioned, but it is also a great vegetable that decreases the level of cholesterol and triglycerides which is especially good for an adult heavy-weight cat. Celery regrows nerve cells as well.Can Celery be Harmful to Cats?
In some cases, it can be harmful to your feline companion. Taken in big quantities it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or an upset stomach in your cat. This vegetable can cause an allergic reaction.
You can also give celery juice to your cat. Again, do not give the cat more than a tablespoon of celery juice because it may force your cat to pee and lose fluids from its body. Celery seeds are known to be used for therapeutic purposes in Eastern medicine, but still, you have to be precautious and consult your vet before using this herbal medicine for your cat.
Cats are supposed to stick to their regular meat protein diet and every attempt to feed them with a non-cat food product, no matter how natural it is you have to be careful and consult your vet.