This breed “is the most famous cat in the world” according to the Los Angeles Times considering Maru, a Scottish Straight cat from Japan whose YouTube videos have millions of views.
It seems that everything connected to the breed is a curiosity when you learn that they sleep on their backs and sit in the Buddha position with the front legs set on the belly. On top, many celebrities decided to adopt a Scottish Strait cat as their pet.
So, let us make a short guide to this breed…
Origin and History
Scottish Straight Cat is part of the Scottish family of cats. This breed has a long-haired and short-haired type which seems very much like the Scottish Fold cat because the only difference is the ears which are flat and pointed at the Scottish Straight cat breed.
It all started in Scotland in 1961 when a shepherd William Ross met a barn cat Susie who impressed him with the ear structure. He asked the owner if he could adopt a kitten from Susie’s litter.
He was happy to have a kitten that he later mated with a white British Shorthair cat and got five cats that have folded ears. In the liters he had later, there were kittens with normal ears which completes the story of the foundation of the Scottish Straight Cat breed.
This lovely short story proves that the origin of this cat is from Scotland and the variations made were just a simple choice of a shepherd who made a charming cat breed.
Physical Characteristics of the Scottish Strait Cat
The Scottish Straight Cat is 20-25 cm tall and weighs between 4- 6 kg. These cats usually live 12 – 16 years. Scottish Strait cats are very intelligent, affectionate, and full of energy. Their heads are round with a plump face and rounded eyes in magnificent colors: copper, green, or honey yellow. Medium-long and muscular legs are holding their body.
These were just general facts, but there is more to be said.
Scottish Straights can vary in color. Fur colors can be plain, tabby, tortoiseshell, two-colored, spotted, and may have shading markings.

Temperament and Adjastibility
Scottish Strait Cats are fond of physical activity and very intelligent. They are devoted to the family members so consider spending time with them being your pet. Although they like to play, being a toy is not their temperament, so the communication with the children and other cats will be short and just friendly when they want to.
Scottish Straight Cats will sometimes during playing or simply never show signs of aggression. This breed is very independent and can be left alone, but not for a long time because they will make them feel lonely. As cats do they meow, but not often. Smart toys and interaction are crucial to satisfy their temperament and keep them in a good mood. So the Scottish Straight Cat can make a great pet.
I can freely say that these cats have the sweetest appearance when kittens and even when they grow older. This bundle of joy will be a real source of happiness for all in the family that decides to adopt one.
A Scottish Straight cat is perfect for couples or families who lead a quiet and relaxing life since it is fond of playing with its family members and sleeping in their lap or even bed. This fact excludes that they are just relaxing, but on the contrary, this breed likes to stand and not be held. It seems that with the cats is always the same, “as soon as they owe you” you have to follow their rules.
Scottish Straight Cats will follow their owner from room to room and even learn some habitual actions of the owner like opening door cabinets and playing certain games. No doubt this breed has one of the most friendliest personalities in cats.
It may sound strange, but Scottish Straight Cats are not allowed in the show ring which might be a reason for most people show interest in the Scottish Fold cats.
This breed is also not assumed a rare breed and they will bring happiness and joy to whoever wants to adopt one.
The price of a well-pedigree Scottish Straight Cat is about 300-500 $, but it can grow to $3000 if the liters high pedigreed.
Maintenance and Care
The two varieties of Scottish Straight, the long-haired and the short-haired are relatively easy for coat caring. Brushing them once a week seems to be enough according to the experience and that will keep their coat neat, remove dead hair, and prevent matting. If the cat is long-haired then brushing two to three times a week is advised.Health and exercising
Scottish Straight cats are a distinct breed and thus very healthy. But there are still some health issues that the owners must know about which is the case with any animal breed.
A genetic problem can occur if they carry an autosomal dominant gene which affects the cartilage and bone development. It can bring bone deviation development mostly evident in ears and legs.
Ear infections appear due to the ear structure in this breed because some of the Scottish Straight Cats have folded ears. The thing that will prevent this kind of infection is a regular ear check and ear cleaning which is done by the owner.
They also may have tooth and gum problems and therefore oral hygiene is of great importance. Regular teeth brushing and annual checkups at the Vet are very important as well.
Scottish Straight cats need to be held on a high-quality diet. It differs regarding the age of the cat, so choosing an appropriate food for the age is very important to obtain a perfectly balanced intake of calories.
These calm and friendly charming creatures are perfect to live at home, but like to play and be active, so regular exercise is crucial for their healthy life. Their energy level is on a medium stage, so decent activity will do.