Background of the Black Scottish Cat
A Scottish Black cat is a relatively recent phenomenon although they look like a very exotic and ancient breed. Dating from around the 1960s when in the rural surroundings of Perthshire, a Scottish shepherd has recognized a specific something in her folded ears and concluded that it might be the genetic inherent potential. He later noticed that his cat had passed it to the kittens of her litter.
Nobody is still sure if it was a genetic potential that arose with Susie, the shepherd’s cat, or if it was a much older genetic variation as many people suspected. This is a very short history that traces back to the chance encounter when if we are to expect a detailed explanation for the breed.
The Black Scottish Fold cat was developed as a breed after breeders the first of whom was the shepherd William, consulted with a geneticist. Then the breed was solidified and registered with the Governing Council of Cat Fancy in the UK in 1966.
What we know for sure is that the first 42 kittens of the Black Scottish Fold cat with folded ears were born in three years when the farmer and the geneticist Pat Turner worked together.
In 1970 the breed was brought to the States when the UK geneticist sent three of Susie’s kittens to Dr. Neil Todd for the benefit of studying spontaneous mutation because Turner believed that Susie was a result of just a random mutation.
It was the point in time when the Black Scottish Fold cat made its way to America and not long after, in 1973 it was officially recognized.
The championship status of this breed in America was given much later in 1978.
In the seventies of the last century, this breed was not at all called Scottish Fold, but simply Highland Fold, or Scottish Longhair Fold.
This breed had firmly established its place in the 1980s.
Physical Characteristics and Appearance
This breed’s life span is 9-13 years of age. The Black Scottish Fold weighs 9-13 lb (4.1-5.9 kg) and it grows 14-16 inches (20-25 cm) tall.
The body of the Black Scottish Pan is entirely made of curves. This cat’s body is very compact and solid. It has a rounded head and large round eyes. The exceptional sign, the ears are soft, small, and neatly folded covering the ear opening.
Its coat is dense and luxuriously short. This cat has the sweetest facial expression.

Temperament and Adjustability
The Black Scottish Fold Cat is not the most playful pet you can have, but they are well-behaved around strangers and small kids. The Black Scottish likes your full attention, so take care to spend enough time with them. The only problem that you can face is if they become destructive.
Black Scottish Fold cats demand a lot of attention and if they feel ignored or neglected it can trigger disobedience. When they are playing with children you have to be careful as well, since a bit of rough play can be tolerated, but not much. These cats are very intelligent and thus easy to train.
These cats like all other breeds need to be cuddled and like to be handled, but with very special care due to their tails, because it can make them pain. So, keep them in your hands very gently. Individually, but not necessarily they can show some other sensitive issue.
Black Scottish Fold cats are dedicated to the family members and adjust well to the family routine. But, as cats can do, the Black Scottish Fold will make a strong bond with only one of the humans.
They are not very friendly with other animals, but in case you have another pet at home you should be very careful introducing them. The best option is to keep only the cat.

Nutrition and Care
Black Scottish Fold cat although not very active likes to eat well. Owners should monitor the weight of the cat and take care of a daily intake of food. This kind of cat does not like drinking still water, so a running water spring is a great option. Most of their daily water intake is from the food they eat. That is why you should stick to a wet cat food balanced to the cat’s age.
High-quality chunks or soy without preservatives added will be a great and tasty diet. Treats should also be healthy and made out of fresh ingredients. In case your cat loves dry food better, make sure to mix it with some wet food. As a reminder, I must mention that every time you make a food regime transition you must make it slowly so the cat’s digestion can get used to it.
Shedding is not an issue when you have a Black Scottish Fold as your pet. Brushing comes into consideration in two weeks. So, they jump into the group of low-maintenance cats.
The Health of the Black Scottish Fold Cats
Black Scottish Fold cats usually suffer from variable degrees of degenerative joint diseases. These can result in the fusing of their tail, ankles, and knees. Clinically the Vets connect this to reluctance to move and short limbs.
Black Scottish Folds ears are often affected by Osteochondrodysplasia which can be very painful and reduce the cats to perform natural behaviors This disease is known as Scottish Fold disease.
The owners of the Black Scottish Fold cats must be fully aware of their pet’s welfare and health problems and visit the Vet regularly to prevent pain and problems with their cats.