From a psychological aspect imprinting in the animal world means survival. It is a kind of social and emotional connection between the young and their predecessors or members of the group to which an animal belongs.
Humans are animals and we imprint as well, but that process is much more different due to the intelligence difference compared to the rest of the animals.
In this blog, we are focused on a cat’s world. Let’s talk about the different ways your cat’s imprints on you.

Definition of Imprinting
I will quote a definition of imprinting in Biology which will make it clearer for you: “Imprinting is the early practical experience in life that determines the social imprints, attitudes, and behavior of biological organisms in the later parts of life.” – E. Hess (1959)
So far, we have two explanations of imprinting from psychological and biological points of view.
Imprinting was first mentioned in 1516 and the birds were the subject of observation and withdrawn conclusion. It is widely known that it was first noticed in ducklings who tried to imprint on humans or other animals such as dogs.
Likely, it is a natural instinct in the cats’ world to mark or imprint on the owner or the person they have a bond with. It may lead to many reasons why they need to imprint.
Understanding of Imprinting in Cats
Cat is a member of the group of mammals and imprinting is characteristic in this group. Imprinting in cats starts when they are young. Cats will never imprint someone who they don’t trust or see protection in because they do that to identify their existence and belonging. Importing in cats happens between their mother and the kitten or if you have taken a young cat, that is you. Your kitten will try to strengthen the bond with you. The person who cares, gives food, and spends time with a cat becomes you, as it is by all aspects normal.
Above all when your cat imprints on you it shows trust in you.
When your cat has imprinted on you it is very easy to decode this way: it loves you the most. It is very interesting that cat owners usually do not seem to notice when being imprinted. Those acts of your cat would seem so normal for you, but not for the cat. It is why you should be careful of the below-mentioned situations that lead to “you are imprinted by your cat”.
Signs Your Cat Has Imprinted on You
There are glands on your cat’s forehead, cheeks, and chin and it will use them to mark the territory or you. Cats are territorial animals and they love to have their boundaries. You may not be aware that when your cat is headbutting on you it actually imprints you. This gesture means that you may feel safe as a member of her “tribe”, you are someone who she trusts and for the animal, the bond is established. The cat also feels better and safe.
Sometimes, from all the members of the family, the cat may choose you to be the one who will be licked by the family cat. By this act, she cleans you with the spines on its tongue. This act reminds me of the self-grooming of the cat. Cats are clean animals. So, don’t you get it? She likes you to be clean because you are a part of her family. You are being taken care of by your cat and imprinted. No cat will groom anybody who is not a close friend to it.
Sleeping and rubbing against your back or sharing the pillow may also look cute to you, but that is another way that your cat is imprinting on you. Not always, but sometimes it may lay by your legs and be turned to the door of the bedroom. It is on purpose. The cat protects you by monitoring the door.
Following you wherever you move around the house is one more sign of imprinting.
You might have felt like a big toy to your cat although she has plenty of toys already. It isn’t the problem with not having toys and games, it’s the imprinting she has made when nestled in your lap chewing your skin. You will never feel hurt. She does it like not having teeth. Gently and softly.
Being very intelligent animals’ cats are involved in your routine. They have an inner clock. It tells them when you are supposed to do certain activities if it is your routine. Since they have memorized it, you will be reminded by your cat. It is a sign of devotion, as well as a sign of imprinting.
You already know that the sense of smell in cats is very strong. Again, when they constantly rub against any part of your body that is exposed it is an act of imprinting. Your cat likes it when you smell the same as she does.
Making a bond with someone they love is so normal cat behavior. They meow, but may also be vocal in so many different ways. But not always. The cat likes to make vocal communication only with the person it has imprinted.
One strange, but possible way to become aware you are imprinted is by getting presents from your cat. Different kinds of presents including a bird and a mouse they have hunt for you. Cats are predators and it is an easy job for them. It is only that they do it for somebody who they love. And it is you. They imprinted you.
The Significance of Imprinting
The first four to eight weeks of the life of a cat are crucial. In this period, they choose their “special person”. Anyway, things are different when you take it from the breeder and it is a bit older. The kitten will in this situation try to make a strong bond with somebody from a family.
A cat will never imprint on more than one person. If you are wondering how cats choose, the answer is simple. It is always that one person who interacts with them the most gives them food, and shows affection for whatever the cat needs.
Strengthening Your Bond
Not necessary to explain this point further than say that imprinting for cats means the strongest bond they can ever make with a parent or a person they live with.Conclusion
According to all previously said, explained, and given to you as a scientific definition, imprinting is the most natural impulse of animals, mammals, cats, or you name it, which makes the cat safe, loved, and have its own circle. Belong somewhere is crucial for your cat.
Trust, love, and affection are three words that explain the term imprinting.