This is probably the biggest temptation that you can face as a cat owner. The act of taking a new pet in the family is a big temptation, but what follows next is the way that it will affect your other pets especially if they are cats.
This is a subject to elaborate on and compare different experiences because this tricky job of introducing the cats, the one you have to the newcomer means a lot of patience and witty thoughts.
To avoid something that is being called a disaster, that is the word that shows the seriousness of the job you must pay attention to some signs while introducing the cats. Their first contact has to be slow, easygoing, with no pushing, and encouraging so you can expect a happy and friendly relationship.

3 Important Bits of Advice when Introducing the Cats
!!! It is essential to stay positive while introducing the cats because if something starts wrong it will be hard as hell to make these two “friends” get along well, later on!!! The cats will somehow show how they feel using body language. So, in case of hissing, swatting or any other type of strange behavior is a warning.
!!! There is always a second chance. Do not hesitate to start it all over again if something turns wrong with the first attempt.
How to Introduce Cats Properly
If you by any chance have a concept of just bringing your newly bought cat at home and introducing it to your “old friend” cat, you are wrong. No, that is the worst to do. As a cat owner, you know that cats are territorial animals, and as they do in the wild, the same at home, they live alone. They are solitary animals.
Cats are not friendly to other cats, so you will have to go step by step during cat introduction. In some cases, the two cats become best friends for a lifetime, but since you do not know that you should follow the procedure.
The most important thing to be sure of is that both cats are neutered before you start introducing them. This will obtain a smooth introduction because if the cats are not neutered, they can be threatening to each other. Maybe the best thing you can do is to keep your new cat in a separate room and not bring them in contact for a week or two. A simple gesture of getting to know each other without any interaction.
Cats have very strong smells and will swap their smells which may bring to a better getting used to each other. One of the tricks that helps is to take a cloth and first rub it close to the nose of one of them and later rub it to the other’s cat nose.
Having two cats means each of them has its litter box, bed, scratching post, food and water bowls, and toys. If you can plug a synthetic pheromone can also be a good idea to decrease the stress and make the cats love each other.
First, try to introduce your cats through a glass door if it is possible because this is the only way they will be able to become aware of each other and not hurt. If you do not see any sign of stress like hissing or swatting but they seem relaxed you can even open the door and let them, make the first contact with you staying nearby.
Be sure that you also have a positive energy within. When this time of their being together extends you can feel free to leave them alone. The introduction had gone smoothly. It is a good hint to mention that it is not at all recommended to feed them together while introducing them. Better give the cats some treats.
Few Serious Warning Signs When Introducing Cats
Occasionally you can notice some aggression and hostility although the cat introduction looks smooth at first. This is an unpredictable situation that mostly depends on your cats’ personalities. If any signs of aggression are noticed then you should stop the process of introducing the cats. This way you will avoid any bad relationship between the cats in the long term. Some warning signs will make you stop the introduction. Pay attention to these:Dilated Pupils
If one of the cats has dilated pupils, watch out! It may be scared, anxious, and sometimes aggressive. Your kitten is starting to be frightened. Some other body language can appear but be prepared to separate them.
Tail Swishing
Cats swish their tails and it isn’t strange, but when the cat is introduced to another cat this may happen because it is focusing on the situation that makes the cat unhappy and annoyed. In the moment when the swishing tail becomes too fast from side to side, you stop their introduction. In this case, it is best to leave your cat alone for a while.
Whenever you see two cats staring at each other without breaking eye contact you should know that it is a sign to be concerned. All the pets use body language before they make any physical contact or fight and this staring will be the first step to it. The cats usually stare at each other until the cat who is not dominant surrenders. This interaction will never be positive, so stop them immediately.
Cats hiss when they are scared. If you notice hissing during the introduction you should stop it. A maximum of two hisses are expected by one of the cats, but if there is more it is not good at all. The cat is threatened.
This is another sound that means that the cat is threatened. This low rumbling sound is a sign that you have to cut the cat introduction. It leads to an aggressive interaction. Separating the cats and leaving them alone for some time is the best solution.
Flattened Ears
The pointed ears of the cat will signalize its curiosity and relaxed attitude, but if the ears are pointed backward or seem flattened against the head is a sign of severe fear and even aggression. Stop introducing the cats.
Puffed Out Hair
If you notice that the hair of one of the cats is puffed out and its back is arched then you are having something which in the cats’ world is called piloerection when the cats are trying to look bigger than they are and also more intimidating. The cat is threatened and aggressive at this moment. The introduction should be immediately stopped.
Hide, running away, or trying to come to you means that the cat is scared and wants to set free from the situation. The scared cat is usually the less dominant cat and it is nice if you help it and stop the situation.
Loud Vocalization
Under vocalization, people include hissing and growling, but we can also include louder noises such as howling and yowling. This is a sign of bigger anxiety, fear, and aggression. You should separate the cats as soon as possible.
Attempt to Swat, Slap or Bite
These are the physical signs that remind you to stop cat-introducing immediately. The cats can hurt each other and it will affect them in a very negative way in the long term. Some cat owners think that it is ok to let them have that first fight but trust me, no. That may be the worst experience for them with long-lasting emotional consequences.
According to all mentioned above connected to the signs of cat introductions, it is important to say that every process needs time and this also. Do not rush to introduce your pets, because it will result in a bad relationship later. There are many cases when the introduction of the cats went smoothly, but there were negative situations later. Do not hesitate to seek advice from your vet as well. The vet already knows your first cat and will give you valuable advice.