I will start the blog with the simplest definition of freeze-dried cat food according to which this is a raw product that hasn’t been cooked or pasteurized.
Although these simple words explain a lot for the cat owners, we must discuss many details and maybe experiences. But if you are a new cat owner you will, of course, learn some facts.

What is Freeze-Dried Cat Food
The production of freeze-dried cat food is actually a whole process of preparing cat food. Using this preparational technique of freeze-drying the cat’s food you first freeze the food and then vacuum it. The last step is to put the food in an air-tight package. This technique takes out all of the moisture from the cat food and you can be safe keeping it for a long period of time. The food can be kept at room temperature.
This kind of food is a raw product that wasn’t either cooked or exposed to any thermic conditions.
Cat treats can be made using the same technique or the food can be used to feed your cat as a complete meal. Some cat owners choose to spread it over kibble.
There is another type of freeze-dried cat food which has to be rehydrated. You will have to rehydrate that kind of food using water or broth appropriate to use for cats.
Need to mention, that rehydrating with broth can be tricky and our advice is to ask advice from your vet. The ingredient in a broth that may irritate the digestive system of your cat is sodium. A bigger amount of sodium may be dangerous for the cat.
On some freeze-dried cat food, you will find an instruction to rehydrate it with milk. You are again put in a rap because as you already know dairy products are not good for your cat. No matter if you have to use cow or goat milk it is not good. It can also affect your cat’s digestive system as the broth will do.
What most cat owners noticed in the last few years is that freeze-dried cat food has become very popular. Most vets on the contrary do not recommend this kind of food. Freeze-dried cat food is assumed to be raw food which is made of raw meat. That kind of meat can be contaminated with certain bacteria. In case you cook the meat for your cat you will also kill those bacteria, but by giving it as a raw meal the cat will ingest contaminated food.
Slowly we have come to the biggest problem if you accept the freeze-dried cat food for your cat and that is, both the owner and the cat come in contact with an infection. It is not strange because you are touching the food and your cat eats it. S, for safety reasons the vet will tell you to avoid this kind of food.
If your cat’s immune system has already been compromised or if it is you who has a weak immune system the consequences may be terrible.
Anyway, if you decide to use freeze-dried cat food note that hygiene is the best prevention. Washing your hands is a must so that any transmission of unwanted infections can be avoided.
Benefit of the Freeze-dried cat food
Wondering what diet will be the best for your cat? Do not hesitate and discuss it with your vet. If I have to say a word for what has been known so far, the only safe and nutritionally balanced food for your cat is approved by the Feed Control Officials. You can be safe and use that food as a daily diet for your cat.
Never forget that cats are picky eaters and have certain nutritional needs that keep their bodies and fur healthy. Any imbalance in feeding your cat may result in a big health problem.
In case you have decided to feed your cat freeze-dried cat food, please note that you have to read the list of ingredients. Depending on what is contained in the specific food you have chosen you will know is it enough for the cat.
Sometimes the freeze-dried food is not food at all, but only a treat that can be given to the animal mixed with its real portion of nutrient-balanced food.
Freeze-dried Cat Food vs. Raw Cat Food
There are a few differences between freeze-dried cat food and real raw food.
In the freeze-dried cat food, the moisture has been removed by the process of freeze-drying. In unprocessed raw food nutrients may not be well-balanced. Only a specialized cat nutritionist can tell you about this issue. Nobody else is competent. Finding such a person may be a problem and any delay in giving your cat properly balanced good quality food will damage your cat’s health.
My last argument here will be that freeze-dried cat food is sold with a declaration of proven cat food, while raw cat food is either homemade or bought in local pet stores. This makes a big difference in the quality control of the food.
Freeze-dried Cat Food vs. Canned Cat Food
The canned cat food or kibble that you are used to feeding your cat with are in a certain way foods that may have ingredients that are not good for your cat without any remark. They may include carbohydrates that are not always needed. Some included fruits and vegetables that your cat is not a fan of or even some preservatives. And you know that preservatives can harm your cat.
If you compare freeze-dried cat food with this kind of food the conclusion is that freeze-dried cat food costs less and has a good nutrition level. As I have previously mentioned freeze-dried cat food can be served as a supplement to kibble.
These facts automatically bring us to the conclusion that freeze-dried cat food is a better option than canned cat food.
Your cat is a picky eater and you must alter the food possibilities to its taste. You are offered few alternatives and the best advice you can ever get is from your vet. Despite many opposing facts for freeze-dried cat food, it can be a good solution.