Almond Milk has many benefits that your cat can take advantage of as well as you can, but never just take this statement for granted. There is to elaborate on the subject because people and animals are not the same in any segment of the body structure.

What is Almond Milk?
This dairy alternative called Almond Milk is made from ground almonds and water. The name explains it all. You can have it in sweetened and unsweetened variants which depends on your preference. Almond milk is mostly used by those who are lactose intolerant.Can Cats Consume Almond Milk?
Cats can consume almond milk but only in moderate doses. Almond milk is lactose-free, so it is completely safe for your cat to consume it as an occasional treat. Your cat probably has its diet and replacing it by giving the cat Almond milk can be a reason for many health concerns and diet-related issues. It can lead to very poor eating habits for a longer period.
Almond milk has a lot of calcium which is of great importance for your cat. It is very high in Vit E and D which keeps the bones very strong and promotes good skin health for the cat. There is a significant amount of other minerals in Almond milk, such as potassium and magnesium that are essential cat nutrients. As with all other substances, it will be good to consult the vet before introducing almond milk into its regular diet.
Benefits of the Almond Milk for Cats
Almond milk is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the health of the cat’s heart., the same as in humans. This milk is very low in carbohydrates and if your cat is given sweetened Almond milk it will not affect the level of sugars in its blood. These are a few of the pros or let’s say benefits of your cat having Almond milk. Generally speaking, Almond milk is not toxic for cats. They do not have much benefit from this kind of milk and can sometimes have digestive issues. Vets always recommend that cats can have Almond milk but in small amounts.Risks of Feeding Your Cat with Almond Milk
Almond milk is undoubtedly safe for cats, but there are always risks connected to this. If you give your cat a lot of Almond milk it can cause nutritional deficiency, your cat will intake some harmful artificial substances, it may cause gastrointestinal problems, it is high in calories, and it may provoke an allergic reaction.
A cat’s diet should be high in protein and fat and low in fiber and carbohydrates. These needs cannot be obtained by Almond milk. Your cat’s diet should be 50% protein; thus, the plant product diet is not suitable for them at all. That is why Almond milk leads to nutritional deficiency in cats. The cat may suffer from anemia and weight loss which further lead to more complications, even an abortion.
If you decide to give your cat Almond milk, please keep in mind that it is not a healthy alternative, especially if you are buying it in stores. It has some artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and a variety of other chemicals. Those artificial sweeteners called xylitol and sorbitol are not at all good for your feline friend.
When promoting Almond milk to your cat do it slowly because it can cause gastrointestinal problems. Be more careful if the cat is suffering from chronic digestive problems such as inflammatory bowel disease. The symptoms you may notice are diarrhea, fever, lethargy, dehydration, anorexia, and abdominal pain.
This kind of milk is very rich in calories and decreases the potential for diabetes in cats. High-calorie foods are not at all good for cats since they make an over pressure on the pancreas and cause pancreatitis which can be a very dangerous health issue.
Some cats can show an allergic reaction to Almond milk. The symptoms that should appear in this case are runny nose, swollen eyes, diarrhea, itchy skin, unnatural stool, vomiting, and coughing or wheezing. This allergic reaction can never be predicted, so it will be best if you consult the vet before giving your cat Almond milk, so you can help the cat in case this happens.
Most of the time the chicken soup is pointed as food that will calm the allergic reaction till the cat recovers. Allergic reactions can be very invasive at times. They may go away in 24 hours or stay for two weeks until the cat feels completely well.