The mixture of gelatin, corn syrup, sugar, and a little bit of air is called Marshmallow. According to a food engineer at the University of Wisconsin, Richard Hartel, “A Marshmallow is a foam that is stabilized by gelatin”.
It is now on us to go into detail and describe the nutritional needs of your cat and is a marshmallow good treat for your cat.
Well, let’s start our analysis.
Considering Cat Treats
Obligate carnivores obtained with a quality balanced diet will rarely need treats. The category treats will rather be something healthy that makes your cat happy. There I can freely say that those treats are nothing else, but supplements to a cat’s diet, a bonding tool, or a way for positive reinforcement while you are training your cat.
Those treats are made of healthy products, they have a great taste and meet the needs of a carnivore diet.
It is really that simple.
There is another aspect that cats’ treats can be looked upon. It is their content that has to be high in proteins. It definitely is the included ingredients that contribute to a healthy cat condition.
And the third important aspect is the low-calorie content.
If we start elaborating on this, we must say that proteins are crucial for cats. Their energy level and the overall body structure including muscle development are connected to protein intake. Proteins obtain the amino acids that are the most important for a healthy cat.
The content of the treat is also important. The ingredients of the treat have to be a few and approved for cats to eat. No additional fillers or artificial colors and tastes are recommended.
If organic and natural ingredients in a treat are listed in the declaration of the package you can’t be luckier. You will be sure that there are no chemicals and preservatives in the treat. Let me remind you that organic ingredients are those produced without using pesticides and are totally non-GMO by origin.
Talking further about cat treats they are divided into several groups. One is known as a Dental treat and contains substances that help your cat clean the gums and preserve its dental health. We all get caught up with this product for our cats. But please just read the list of content.
The best or it is maybe our opinion are the homemade treats because you know for sure what is inside. These treats are dehydrated meats, cat-friendly vegetables, and fish. Preparation of this kind of treat is time-consuming, but if that doesn’t bother you be sure your cat will adore them.
There are also crunchy and soft treats. If the treats are crunchy, they will help your cat clean the plaque from the teeth. What you must take care of is the condition of your cat’s teeth. Crunchy treats may be the cause of tooth damage which may be painful. These treats include meat, grains, and occasionally supplements like vitamins and minerals.
The soft treats are an adult cat’s favorite “happy hour”. They are enough soft to be enjoyed by your cat and very tasty. The main ingredients are meat and fish with a slight dose of additional vegetables good for cats.
Well, I hope this was a good and helpful guide through the cat treats varieties.
Can Cats Eat Marshmallows
Curious as a cat, that’s right! Your cat would love to try whatever you eat and you may be an addict to marshmallows. Even if you are not and your cat sees those airy treats of yours it may love to try.
Marshmallows are not toxic to cats. But they are not good and healthy for cats. Marshmallows can cause some health problems for your cat.
So, without being toxic for your cat, it is not supposed to eat them.
Marshmallows have an amount of sugar that if taken in a slightly bigger dose can harm your cat. Cats can not feel the sweet taste, as you know, so this can be more of a choking hazard for your cat than a treat. The sugar content of one marshmallow is 4.1 grams and that is too much for your cat.
Marshmallows are very high in calories. Undoubtedly your cat needs calories, but not from a marshmallow as a source. Besides its portions of food, a marshmallow will make your cat overweight.
A Marshmallow includes sodium which is dangerous for cats, because the tolerance for sodium in cats, especially kittens is very low.
In case your cat has come to a jar of marshmallows and eaten some, don’t panic. Try to keep calm, give a call to your vet, and explain what happened.
The most important is to observe your cat.

Health Issues in a Cat from Eating Marshmallows
Nothing dangerous can happen. Your feline may experience gastrointestinal problems, Vomiting is the most frequent symptom. Your vet will be the one to advise you on what steps to take. The symptoms are usually not that invasive and they pass as soon as the cat drinks enough water. Try not to give food for a certain period so its stomach will calm down.
Marshmallows are not toxic, but not at all good for your cat. It is better to find a treat alternative and keep marshmallows where your cat will not be able to catch them.